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Source: The Washington Post / Getty

It’s unfortunate that this Washington Commanders saga still hasn’t been put to rest. ESPN reports that, Washington Commanders owner Dan “Snyder recently told a close associate that he has gathered enough secrets to “blow up” several NFL owners, the league office and even commissioner Roger Goodell.” This comes as a defensive method for Snyder who is under investigation for “toxic club culture, sexual harassment” and more over his 23 years with the Washington Football franchise.

Sources say that the NFL is aware that Snyder has claimed “to be tracking owners” but the Washington Commanders are denying these statements saying it’s “simply ridiculous and utterly false.”

source: ESPN

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Report: Commanders Owner Dan Snyder Claims To Have Dirt On NFL Owners & NFL Commissioner That Would ‘Blow Up’ The League  was originally published on ronewoldcnews.staging.go.ione.nyc