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Malia Obama, the eldest daughter of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, is currently visiting college campuses in a quest to find the perfect university to attend next year. While visiting Brown University recently, the 17-year-old stayed with a friend in a dorm room and attended a party with students, some of whom appeared to be playing beer pong.

Enter conservative website DailyCaller.com, who grabbed a SnapChat screenshot of the teenager standing next to someone who may or may have not been playing the popular college game.

Malia is not seen drinking or even holding a cup, but instead stands there with her arms crossed.

You can find the picture of Malia at the college party here.

It didn’t help that other partygoers Tweeted about her being in attendance (many of those tweets were later deleted).

malia obama was taking shots and playing beer pong at a party last night LOL

— colin (@colindamnit) October 11, 2015

Saw Malia Obama playing beer pong at a party last night. #Casual. The most casual thing I’ve ever seen.

— fifty shades of tay (@taylorrrpearce) October 11, 2015

When you went to a brown party last night with Brenna scully, Malia Obama, and the secret service outside #illneverbethiscoolagain

— Isabella Nilsson (@nilssonisabella) October 11, 2015

She did however, have some supporters.



While the website keeps talking about her being “the only cool Obama,” it’s pretty clear the end goal here — to make her look like she is going to be an out of control teen once she gets to college.

But if the picture above is any indication, The Bush twins have her beat on that.

The White House has not released a statement regarding the photographs.

SOURCE: DailyCaller | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty

Malia Obama Stands Next To A Boy Playing Beer Pong, Conservative Media Goes Crazy  was originally published on ionenewsone.staging.go.ione.nyc